Nyaisaja Hampton is a new Hip Hop model face a guy might like. This New York girl has a passion for style,
fashion, and art and it is very obvious in her pictures. Giving CKHID on-line a great gallery of pics to work with, you
will see her sexy side and creative side below.
Standing 5"3 tall, Nyaisaja is a 1989 born diva with a jazzy character. Loving the camera as if it were her lover, she knows
how to melt the audience with her fiery eyes and sensua lips. Very smooth skin and wall manicured hands give an extra bonus
to ever guy that happens to check out the Hip Hop model's portfolio as well. Who does not love a girl that takes care of
Nyaisaja Hampton is searching for casting calls in the New York area and open to any creative work that
will benefit her career. Wanting to enter the entertainment world beyond modeling, she is also interested in hosting
events and media.
[ official Nyaisaja Hampton social sites ]
— none available
Nyaisaja Hampton Swimsuit
Nyaisaja Hampton rocks well in front of the camera in swimsuits. If you are looking for her
sexy edge, definitely check out these pics.
Nyaisaja Hampton Fashion
Nyaisaja Hampton is an amazing girl. Her attitude is that of a diva and she does great in
artistic fashions. This is for the fans of swagger.
Nyaisaja Hampton Lingerie
Nyaisaja Hampton steps out on the edge for Hip Hop Models fans. Check out these sexy lingerie pics that have been
leaked to us by the NYC diva.