New Lebron James Rumors Go Beyond New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets Signs
Frederick Nance, attorney for Lebron James and Gloria answered the rumors by saying “these rumors are categorically false and per se defamatory.” Adding, “No thinking person could possibly believe such rubbish.”
Helping spark the rumors back up, NBA Hall of Famer Calvin Murphy came out of left field recently saying “My sources tell me, these rumors are absolutely true.” Speaking publicly on an ESPN interview, he not only claimed the rumors were true, but also there was more than Delonte West involved.
Getting to be quite a nuisance, this new Lebron James rumor is hopefully soon to come to rest. Even if the “Delete West has sex with Lebron James mother” rumor is true, Why the public has such a big interest in a consensual relationship leaves the rational NBA fans clueless.
For fans of Lebron James and Cleveland, Ohio, the biggest issue currently is nowhere near this rumor. The new Lebron James rumor they are thinking about is trade rumors. Various sources and predictions have helped paint the picture of Lebron James going to the New York Knicks. Some rumors even depict Lebron going to Jay-Z’s Brooklyn Nets. Will this happen? It is hard to tell but right now, Lebron James is focused on enjoying the summer with his friends and family.
Photoshopped picture of Lebron James New YOrk Knicks jersey. Looks really official! Will Lebron James be traded to the Knicks next year?
Photo of Lebron James and Delonte West on the court. .
A funny Lebron james Parody Video of situation where he was rude to ball boy earlier this year. Brought to you by JusJeffTV (click here) on Youtube!
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