LRG Clothing Fan Website ReLaunched for Hip Hop Clothing Culture
“LRG clothing brand is something I have liked a while. The whole story of Jonas Bevacqua and Robert Wright is inspiring and motivational for struggling entrepreneurs worldwide. From a little money to fortune 500 and listed in Forbes, LRG clothing really did it,” says site director EB.
New LRG currently has over 80 pages dedicated strictly to lrg hats, lrg shirts, lrg jeans,lrg watches, and the various branches of the fashion brand. Hoping to create an open directory of all LRG clothing releases possibly found on-line, expansion will be occurring daily.
New LRG is a product of the black entrepreneur behind the Internet’s first Hip Hop clothing website. Moving on from fashion, the well known Internet entpreneur says LRG clothing’s artwork and ethic has become a personal interest.
LRG Clothing has a nice watch collection! Go check them out on NewLRG.
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