Wachovia Bank VP Mark Howard Leads Customer to Believe Bank Supports Fee Scams

“Wachovia is crazy and their banking practices are scandalous. Marvisa Gallman told me call her directly if there is any more problems after she was to credit my account all fees. She never kept her word. I went from a -$6.70 on April 29th to a -$518.41 by May 17th. No stop charges were put on account and I had no control. In calling her over 10 times in May, I got 2 responses which were broken agreements each time,” says Rainey.
Gallman made promises to give credits and call the new Wachovia banker back at scheduled times. She failed to meet each arrangement, though Rainey admits she seemed like a friendly robber. When the problem began escalating into hundreds in fees, Rainey called Wachovia Bank Vice President Mark Howard directly. Howard said he would not spend time on the matter and came off with an arrogant attitude, telling Rainey to write the press.
After discussing and searching google about ‘Wachovia bank fraud,’ Rainey saw easily what others registering might miss. Names such as Terry Scott Welch show the company has internal alignment with high-power scam artists and frauds.
“Wachovia Bank sucks. Wells and Fargo needs to check Marvisa Gallman for making false claims. As a representative of urban and Hip Hop culture, I would hate to see other young entrepreneurs and hard-working individuals get $400+ sucked out of their pockets. Leave Wachovia bank alone,” says the exiting client.
Rainey has already lost nearly $300 in fees to the bank and will pay the last $200+ this week to close account. After over a month of debating and broken agreements, he believes the stress caused by Wachovia Bank is a health hazard.
“Point blank and period, Marvia Gallman should have done everything she promised from the start. Her initial so called help turned into a $500 loss for me. Mark Howard openly ignoring the problem shows customers are not a priority at Wachovia bank,” ends Rainey.
Wachovia Customers that have similiar bogus fee issues should call Mark Howard and record his responses on paper. His direct office number is (704)-590-6555. Call before 5pm eastern standard time to reach him. Rainey is launching WachoviaBankFees.com to help organize the tremendous number of people wronged by the company.

Wachovia has turned into a “Wackovia” branch. They whack your money and take it without a problem. No refunds will be given and no real explanations.
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